It’s Possible…

Tommy Lasorda said …

“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.”
I read that quote in an email the other day and it made think. How often do we miss out on
something because of ourselves. We talk ourselves out of doing what needs to be done. Or
we do a lot of other tasks that amounts to nothing worthwhile. It only validates or self talk.
And most of it is because of FEAR, which some say is only a “False Evidence Appearing Real.”
A friend of mine told me her motto when it comes to fear is; Face the Fear than Do it Anyway.
When you actually do it. You start to take back control and let fear know you don’t believe him
when he starts telling you the reasons why you can’t do something. Than at that point all things
become possible, if you only believe and take the correct consistent action.
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